Hello everyone, and welcome to u-Reka Club
Our first TV Broadcast went out recent on ITV News, and you can view it here;
ITV Westcountry News Broadcast 05-Jan-2023
Conceived in 1992 in an effort to help raise funds to launch my Peter Pan Boardgame, it took another three years of pounding the pavement to get the Government to change the rules on Distance Selling, to allow what we now know as Crowdfunding to exist in the UK. The term ‘Crowdfunding’ itself would not be coined until 2006, and the first ever Crowdfunding Platform to appear online was my own Octopus Initiative – Product Launch Platform, in 1999. As shown in the enclosed image.
About the author:
BizKit-Tin evolved from a project first conceived in 1992, but at the time was way before it's time and it was illegal to 'Forward Trade' too. It took two years, financed only by Giro's for the Inventor to get the rules change in 1995 to allow it, but without funding support he had to shelve the concept.
The inventor resurrected the concept in 2011 to help raise funds for another project he had invented, renaming it BizKit-Tin, and this iteration was a 'Must Have' component of this new u-Reka Club Innovation Support Project, where it will hopefully take it's rightful place as the first ever modern day Crowd-Funding concept invented! Conceived twelve years 'Before' Kickstarter in the USA (2004).
My Review