Mr u-Reka!
Hello everyone, and welcome to u-Reka Club
Our first TV Broadcast went out recent on ITV News, and you can view it here;
The original concept for this project was conceived in 1992 with the invention of a fundraising idea that went on to become known as Crowdfunding, which itself was created in an effort to help raise funds to launch my Peter Pan Boardgame, and the first ever Crowdfunding Platform to appear online was my own Octopus Initiative – Product Launch Platform, in 1999. As shown in the enclosed image. But after having yet another project crippled by underhanded practices that an Inventor will not discover until they reach the stage of having a production quality shelf-ready product, is how those in the market already will collude to block their entry to market. This can come in many forms but essentially boils down to portraying the Inventor and their Product negatively so as to put off Buyers and Investors from working with them.
In response I have invented the next generation of crowd support; ‘Crowd-Distribution’, in which entrepreneurially minded individuals and small retailers can pre-order directly from the Inventor, to build up their minimum production requirement. Thereby providing not only the funding to proceed, but also a network of Resellers to take the resulting products to market outside of normal distribution channels.
This also provides a means of ‘Test-Marketing’ new products, to gage customer interest prior to investing any funds into Tooling and Stock.
In addition, u-Reka Club also provides a source of ‘Innovative’ ideas that the existing manufacturing sector can License for use in their own products.
The objective of u-Reka Club is not to exclude or bypass existing parties within the marketplace, but only to avoid and eliminate bad practices that violate a creators right to participate equally in the economy in which they exist. Just like a Road System is designed to be used by anyone, where a Cyclist has as much right of access as the Juggernaut, equally as much the Rookie Inventor has as much right to access the Marketplace to exploit their ow creativity as the fully established international Manufacturer, without being placed at risk of being bullied, manipulated, or simply shut-out.
u-Reka Club aims to build an environment in which even a Homeless Person can find the help they need to get an idea off the ground and change their circumstances. u-Reka Club is open to all!